Monday, December 20, 2010

14 weeks down...

     This pregnancy is going by so fast.  I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm operating on a 36 week full term calendar instead of 40 weeks.  With 14 full weeks behind me, the halfway point is just 4 weeks away.  I feel spoiled by getting to see them every 3 ultrasound is on Wednesday.  I'm interested to see how much they have grown since the last visit, because I'm growing rapidly!  The pictures above were taken at the beginning of week 12 and then the beginning of week 14...must have been a huge growth spurt for babies!  I've started feeling the babies moving around a little bit.  Its about 2-3 weeks earlier than when I first felt Madison, but I guess it has a lot to do with how high upmy uterus is already and the fact that there are two of them in there tumbling around.  They still aren't moving wildly enough for their daddy to feel them, but they will be soon!  Baby B seems to be the hyper one because I usually feel the movement on my left side.  However, I suppose it could be that both of them are on that side right now. 
     While everything seems to be going well with growth...the last two weeks were pretty rough on me.  I had to start taking Flagyl for an infection, which made me weak and sick feeling 3 times a day.  The last day I took the medicine was especially rough...thankfully, it was the first night of Winter break so I didn't have to take a day off work.  The second day off the meds I was full of energy and feeling great-Thank you God!  Now, if I could figure out why my armpits have been insanely itchy for the last 3 weeks.  I try to stop myself from complaining when I'm uncomfortable, but I'm guilty of it every now and then.  However, I feel truly blessed. 

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