Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Madison went with to our appointment today.  She was very excited to see the babies moving around on the ultrasound.  Both babies appear to be doing well.  They are about 4 1/2 inches long and heartbeats are at 143 and 148.  One baby was face down and flipping around when we were focused on it during the ultrasound.  The other baby was just hanging out, relaxing.  We are scheduled to go back in on January 20th, which will be when we can find out the sex of both babies...hopefully!  I've gained a whole 5 pounds since our first appointment about 8 weeks ago.  The doctor seemed happy with that...I am sure that number will increase quite a bit in the next few months.  The goal now is to stay healthy, enjoy the rest of Christmas break, and look forward to January 20th!

Monday, December 20, 2010

14 weeks down...

     This pregnancy is going by so fast.  I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm operating on a 36 week full term calendar instead of 40 weeks.  With 14 full weeks behind me, the halfway point is just 4 weeks away.  I feel spoiled by getting to see them every 3 ultrasound is on Wednesday.  I'm interested to see how much they have grown since the last visit, because I'm growing rapidly!  The pictures above were taken at the beginning of week 12 and then the beginning of week 14...must have been a huge growth spurt for babies!  I've started feeling the babies moving around a little bit.  Its about 2-3 weeks earlier than when I first felt Madison, but I guess it has a lot to do with how high upmy uterus is already and the fact that there are two of them in there tumbling around.  They still aren't moving wildly enough for their daddy to feel them, but they will be soon!  Baby B seems to be the hyper one because I usually feel the movement on my left side.  However, I suppose it could be that both of them are on that side right now. 
     While everything seems to be going well with growth...the last two weeks were pretty rough on me.  I had to start taking Flagyl for an infection, which made me weak and sick feeling 3 times a day.  The last day I took the medicine was especially rough...thankfully, it was the first night of Winter break so I didn't have to take a day off work.  The second day off the meds I was full of energy and feeling great-Thank you God!  Now, if I could figure out why my armpits have been insanely itchy for the last 3 weeks.  I try to stop myself from complaining when I'm uncomfortable, but I'm guilty of it every now and then.  However, I feel truly blessed. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

     These ultrasound pictures of Baby A (top) and Baby B (bottom) were taken on December 3rd at my 12 week appointment.  Both babies heartbeats were about 170 bpm and while they are in seperate sacs, they are laying with their heads toward each other.  I really enjoy how often they ultrasound the babies, it eases my nerves since I worry way too much.  We go back on December 22 for our next appointment and ultrasound #4.  Then, we have to go for a high resolution ultrasound on January 20th because of the high risk label.  Hopefully, we will get lucky and the doctor will be able to tell the gender on the 22nd since I'll be at the end of week 15, but if not we should be able to find out on January 20th (or at the appointment/ultrasound with the regular doc that will be scheduled sometime before January 20th.       The doctor was happy that I had only gained about 3 pounds...I'm not entirely sure that's accurate.  I mean, I know it is accurate, I saw the scale myself, but I feel more like I've gained 30 pounds.  Certainly, I couldn't wear regular pants anymore if I tried.  Anyways...apart for the typical "I can't get comfortable" and some other random ailments, everything seems to be going fine...especially now that I bought the Boppy Total Body Pillow.  However, I'm fairly certain Keith has been trying to steal it away from me after I fall asleep.  Can you blame the guy?'s crazy comfortable! 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Single VS. Double

     As the end of the 3rd month is quickly approaching (Sunday), I find myself comparing how I feel with twins to my pregnancy with Madison.  Everyone always talks about how each of their pregnancies were so different, but so far things have been relatively similar.  For instance, I have been extremely blessed, in both pregnancies, with the absence of morning sickness!  I did vomit right after I had Madison, in my mom's face (sorry mom), but it was because the nurse gave me sierra mist and told me it was sprite...sierra mist would make me vomit on any given day, pregnant or not. 
     This pregnancy has been "easier" from the beginning.  I was so paranoid (thanks WebMD) whenever I felt any sort of pain with Madison.  I diagnosed myself with an ectopic pregnancy within the first month of pregnancy because of sharp abdominal pains.  Obviously, that wasn't the was more like growing pains...haha.  Because I was unsure of my LMP, we had an ultrasound to determine our due date and were able to see the twins (surprise!) at week 6.  We also had an ultrasound at week 8 and have been advised that there will be MANY more to come. Being able to see both babies makes it much easier to worry less.  However, I tend to read to many blogs about multiple pregnancies and doctor's posts about how common "disappearing twin syndrome" is early on in pregnancy.  In fact, the ultrasound tech informed us at 6 weeks that we might want to wait to tell everyone it was twins until week 12, because we'd have to "un-tell" everyone if something happened and that might be more emotional.  I told the world I was pregnant with Madison as soon as I found out and we did the same with the twins...and I wouldn't change it.  I don't imagine it would hurt any less if I had fewer people to tell about a loss and besides...I'm not very good at being secretive.  Also, if you've seen me recently, it would have been REALLY hard to wait until week 12 to tell people I was pregnant without everyone questioning my protruding stomach.  In addition, at 3 months, I look like I looked at 6 months pregnant with Madison.  That's not much of an exaggeration. 
    Everything seems to be accelerated.  I used to go to sleep around midnight and wake up at 6 and be fully rested for the entire day.  Now, I fall asleep around 8pm (right after I put Madison to bed) and sleep til midnight, wake up to use the restroom, go back to sleep until 3am, wake up to use the restroom, sleep untiil 6am and then look forward to bedtime again!  It is quite pathetic.  I wasn't that tired with Madison until month 7!  I'm sure some of that has to do with the fact that I am 6 years older and also have a kindergartener to entertain while growing babies 2 and 3. 
    Keith and I are very excited...he has the whole supportive, expectant father role down.  He manages to keep me fed, watered, stuffed with prenatal vitamins, and humidified (silly swollen nasal passages!) as well as doing laundry, dishes, and ensuring that I don't try to do too much.  Although, that is my least favorite part, because he tends to get angry if I lift things...I can't wait to see his face when he's holding two newborns...I'm sure I'll probably have to wait until they wake him up after he passes out in the delivery room, but we'll see! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am now unofficially, officially Rebecca Ann Staats.  It is only unofficial until we get our copy of the actual marriage license so I can apply for a new Social Security Card and get the ball rolling with all the other name changing fun I get to partake in!  We thoroughly enjoyed our simple, stress-free wedding at our church surrounded by family and a couple of our close friends.  It was exactly what we wanted.  Luckily, my immune system held off the plague that took over with full force on Monday!  Luckily again, I was able to get an antibiotic from my doctor quickly.  They also did an ultrasound to make sure both babies were still doing okay.  It amazes me how much they changed in two weeks!  It also amazes me that I am only in the 9th week and I am already SO tired and SO enlarged (I've been told to quit saying I'm getting fat lol).  I try not to imagine myself 4 or 5 months from now...the mental image is kind of disturbing.  Oh well, here's to trusting that everything will happen exactly as God has planned. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

     In 5 days I will officially become Rebecca Staats.  I am extremely excited about sharing the rest of my life with Keith.  In fact, I am so thrilled, I won't complain about the insane amount of work it is to change ones' name on everything from payroll at work to utility bills.  Oh, and I won't even begin to describe how excited I am to wait in line at the BMV for a new driver's license. 
     In all seriousness, I am thrilled that we decided together to say "I do" without all the stress and money involved in a traditional wedding ceremony.  Instead, we are getting married in our church in front of our family and just a couple of our closest friends.  In fact, I kind of like this arrangement better than our original "fly to Vegas" idea that was thrown out the window when I found out I wouldn't be able to fly over Spring Break. 
     So, the countdown begins...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm trading in my Superwoman cape for some slippers and a blankie...

    Last year was insane.  Without exaggerating, I think I only slept 4 hours a night just so I could keep up with the house, complete a full load of Graduate Courses to finish my Master's Degree, teach 25 3rd graders from 8-4, organize and supervise after-school tutoring two nights a week for 150 kids, go through the divorce process, and spend as much time with Madison as possible.  I'm not quite sure how I managed it, but one thing is for sure, nobody could call me lazy!  I've always been pretty independent, but I forced myself to work and get things done without waiting for anyone else's help.  This mindset is going to get me in trouble a lot these next few months.  
    Last night I might have went a little bit insane.  Poor Keith.  He says he doesn't think I am crazy, but we all know I really am.  I had a moment where I felt like the house had to be ready...NOW.  So, we measured dimensions, looked up crib sizes, I sighed a lot.  Then, I decided Madison's room needed to be cleaned and Keith was working in the kitchen so I started to move her bed.  Apparently, that is a big no-no.  Who knew you weren't supposed to lift, pull, and move large heavy furniture when you are pregnant.  (I knew!)  I, however, am stubborn.  I, too, got yelled at.  Nicely, of course.  Country boys are much too polite and respectful to yell very least this country boy is!  Apparently, I am supposed to tell him when I want furniture moved...that's a whole extra step! 

Moral of the story: I need to learn to ask for help instead of doing everything myself....urgh. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I am not in control

So, we're at the doctor's office getting ready to see our baby for the first time on the ultrasound.  While I'm wondering why there are two black spots, Keith laughs, like a guy, and says it looks like an alien's eyes, and the ultrasound tech simultaneously says " do you feel about two babies?"  My response: I feel like the bill just doubled!  She then proceeds to ask me questions; such as my birthdate, which I don't answer because I couldn't for the life of me remember when I was born at that moment in time.  I'm still not quite sure what to say, other than God has a plan for everything.  Don't get me wrong, I am WAY excited!!  Keith is VERY excited!! It just hadn't been my "plan" to have twins.  Which brings me to my new motto, suggested by my boss-lady-friend, "I am not in control!"  (Thanks Whitney)  It actually kind of helps to say it out loud.  However, while I am not in control of everything, I wouldn't be me without trying to at least outline a sketchy plan of how things might work out....haha.  After all, it has been almost six years since either of us has had a baby in the house...I certainly didn't pack away all of Madison's baby stuff...I gave it all away.  So, the adventure of "planning" for twins 

We're Having a Baby!!

After the initial surprise of finding out I was pregnant, I was pretty excited.  Keith has a 6 year old son (his), I have a 5 year old daughter (mine), and now we'll have "ours."  I've always imagined having more than one child, but swore I was done after Madison.  Keith felt the same way about not wanting more kids.  Then, we met.  Anyways, so I'm pregnant and feeling a bit like my pants might burst at any moment.  Everyone says the second one always shows faster, but geez.  I figured I was at least 2 1/2-3 months pregnant, but no telling for sure until our ultrasound, which was scheduled for yesterday.  The ultrasound that gave me a due date for our baby so I could start planning!  Anyone who knows me can tell you that I am very detail oriented and like things organized and planned.  Due Date: June 20th.  Don't get too excited for my obsessive compulsive planning tendencies....apparently, my due date doesn't mean a whole lot because WE ARE HAVING TWINS!

The Background

The last 6 months have been a whirlwind!  After being married 5 years, Rob and I seperated and eventually filed for divorce in December.  Without going into details, we both just knew that it would be better to end it and remain friends than try to force it and end up hating each other.  It was a difficult decision for many reasons, but mostly because we have a 5 year old daughter.  However, we work very hard at making her life as normal as possible....whatever "normal" means.  I went out with a couple of guys and then met Keith in May.  Yes, May.  We've known each other all of 6 months and we made plans to fly to Vegas in April and get married.  Go ahead, say it.  I know, it seems crazy.  It is pointless to try and explain it to anyone else so I won't even try.  Now that you're all caught up...we're getting married in 11 days....I know, that doesn't track with what I said in the last sentence, because exactly a month after Keith proposed, we found out I was pregnant.  We weren't quite sure how far along and we didn't want to spend the money and book a trip only to find out I wouldn't be able to fly in we decided to go ahead and get married at the church we have been attending on November 6th.  That's just the beginning of the story....